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Conjugación de tease

to teasechinchar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I teaseyo chincho
you teasetú chinchas
we teasenosotros chinchamos
you teasevosotros chincháis
they teaseellos chinchan
they teaseellas chinchan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I teasedyo chinché
you teasedtú chinchaste
he teasedél chinchó
she teasedella chinchó
we teasednosotros chinchamos
you teasedvosotros chinchasteis
they teasedellos chincharon
they teasedellas chincharon

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have teasedyo he chinchado
you have teasedtú has chinchado
he has teasedél ha chinchado
she has teasedella ha chinchado
we have teasednosotros hemos chinchado
you have teasedvosotros habéis chinchado
they have teasedellos han chinchado
they have teasedellas han chinchado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had teasedyo había chinchado
you had teasedtú habías chinchado
he had teasedél había chinchado
she had teasedella había chinchado
we had teasednosotros habíamos chinchado
you had teasedvosotros habíais chinchado
they had teasedellos habían chinchado
they had teasedellas habían chinchado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will teaseyo chincharé
you will teasetú chincharás
he will teaseél chinchará
she will teaseella chinchará
we will teasenosotros chincharemos
you will teasevosotros chincharéis
they will teaseellos chincharán
they will teaseellas chincharán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have teasedyo habré chinchado
you will have teasedtú habrás chinchado
he will have teasedél habrá chinchado
she will have teasedella habrá chinchado
we will have teasednosotros habremos chinchado
you will have teasedvosotros habréis chinchado
they will have teasedellos habrán chinchado
they will have teasedellas habrán chinchado

I would teaseyo chincharía
you would teasetú chincharías
he would teaseél chincharía
she would teaseella chincharía
we would teasenosotros chincharíamos
you would teasevosotros chincharíais
they would teaseellos chincharían
they would teaseellas chincharían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have teasedyo habría chinchado
you would have teasedtú habrías chinchado
he would have teasedél habría chinchado
she would have teasedella habría chinchado
we would have teasednosotros habríamos chinchado
you would have teasedvosotros habríais chinchado
they would have teasedellos habrían chinchado
they would have teasedellas habrían chinchado

Participio presenteAnotado
teasing chinchando

Participio pasadoAnotado
teased chinchado

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